Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 7

Day 7 (48 days to go)

Fasting Blood Sugar : 97 (5.6)  NORMAL non diabetic level
Weight: 82.3 kg  
Weight loss: 2.2 kg

Headache is coming and going. But feel good. I get some moments of hunger but not as much as I had imagined.

Sight is improving. 

Walking 30 mins

0 x 425 mg Metformin  
0 x  glycoside. 

Calorific Intake (target 800 kcal)

Shake 100
20g Almonds 100

Tandoori chicken breast - 170 cal
2 carrots 40
Mixed salad 30

total 440

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 5 (50 days to go)

Blood Sugar : 109 (6)  NORMAL non diabetic level
Blood sugar reduction: 17
Weight: 82.6 kg  
Weight loss: 1.9 kg




3 x 425 mg Metformin (50% of day 1 dose)
0 x  glycoside. 

Calorific Intake (target 800 kcal)

Shake 100
20g Almonds 100
Bowl of raw mushroom soup 110
bowl of cabbage and fish soup 45
Seeds 50g
gaspacho 75

total 475

Friday, August 9, 2013

Day 4

Day 4 (53 days to go)

Blood Sugar : 103 (5.7)  NORMAL non diabetic level
Blood sugar reduction: 23
Weight: 82.7 kg  
Weight loss: 1.8 kg

Yesterday was a little harder. I had some moments of hunger! I continued on the lower dose of glycoside. Blood sugar level is lower again this morning. It may just be a natural fluctuation so I am not overly expectant. However is has been dropping each day even with reduced meds. 

According to the notes for my doctor, Prof Taylor suggests the glycoside can be completely stopped. I will do do today.

One of my main incentives in doing this is to stop the retinopathy I am struggling with. I am hoping my eyes can make a full recovery but there may be complications even if I reverse the disease and remain disease free. 



3 x 425 mg Metformin (50% of day 1 dose)
0 x  glycoside. 

Calorific Intake (target 800 kcal)

2 carrots 50
40g almonds 230kcal
Bowl of raw mushroom soup 110
bowl of cabbage and fish soup 75
gaspacho 50
salad 75
chicken 175
total 765

Day 3 (54 days to go)

Blood Sugar : 115 (6.4)
Weight: 83.9kg 

Day three is here and I didn't feel hungry at all again yesterday! 
Last night my sugar level was low before bed so I didn't take my final dose of glycoside. This can be a fluctuation as my diet is radically diferent, at least in volume.  I didn't want to risk too low blood sugar and wake up disorientated. This morning my level is better than yesterday. Glycoside has a 24 hour half life so I wouldn't expect it to effect the readings too much until today. So if my sugar rises I will take some more. 

I was just wondering how much a normal intake is per day. I checked it out an it is supposedly 2550 kcal for a man. That really brings home the enormity of what I am trying to do. In essence I having less than 1/3 of the normal intake.

So far it is too early to really expect any results. 

Eyes quite blurred this morning.
Excessive urination. 

2450mg Metformin
1 x 3mg glycoside. 

Calorific Intake (target 800 kcal)

20g almonds: 100
200g gaspacho: 50
Chicken 100g: 170
3 30g carrots: 45
2 carrotts: 30
100g lettuce:15
gaspacho: 50
chicken: 170
5 small toms:15
dressing: 20
total 680

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 2 (55 days to go)
Blood Sugar : 117 (6.5)

Day two is here and I didn't feel hungry at all yesterday! I mean 800 kcal is a tiny amount of food! I had thought I would be starving all day! So that is good news. I also didn't feel weak and in fa more energetic than usual. I had no coffee all day and didnt feel sleepy? My blood sugar level stayed below 153.

Blood sugar level before lunch - 105 !! This is very unusal. In a good way! 
Also my eyes feel clearer today. I am optimistic.


30 minutes scootering in the morning


1700mg Metformin
1 x ? glycoside. 

1 shake : 100 Kcal
300c gaspacho: 60kcal
Fish stick soup: 150kcal. 
20g almonds: 100
1 small carrot: 20
Gaspacho 120
100g baked chicken 170
roasted veg 70

Total 790

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day One

56 days to go!

I woke up and as usual I had a lot of trouble reading my iPad screen, even when magnified to its largest!  This inability to read is my main incentive. There are many others...this isn't a nice disease.

Blood sugar is 126 (7).

It's day one and I feel some excitement and some fear. Or is it the same thing? Can I manage 8 weeks on an extreme diet, loosing up to 25 kg, and to end up looking like a skeleton?

The Numbers

I weigh myself. 84.5 kg. 
At 84.5kg my BMI is 27.59. 
As reported in the trusty Daily Mail patients need to loose 1/6 of their initial weight - so my target is 14kg loss giving final weight of approximately 70kg (11 stone 3 lbs) and a BMI of 22.9

I had two of the chocolate "milkshakes" - not bad at all.

Dont forget if you want to help the millions of diabetes sufferers in the UK, Europe and worldwide you can sponsor me here: https://www.sponsorme.co.uk/robmatthews/sponsored-extreme-diet.aspx

So far I have 80 GBP in sponsors! Thank you my friends.

Anyone wishing to find out more about this approach to reversing diabetes can use the following link. http://www.ncl.ac.uk/magres/research/diabetes/reversal.htm


30 minutes scootering in the morning30 minutes scootering in the evening

3 * 850mg Metformin
2 x ? glycoside. 

3 shakes : 300 kcals
Home made gaspacho -200 kcalls
Roasted veg: 150kcals
seeds/nuts: 100 kcals

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Radical Diet

Lately I have been struggling to see. It isn't nice. 

I struggle to maintain my low blood sugar level and it seems I need more and more medication to do so. 

My friend David stopped me this morning. He told me about this article he had seen on the web.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2385179/I-reversed-diabetes-just-11-days--going-starvation-diet.html

I had seen this work and contacted the professor who pioneered it 2 years ago. At the time it sounded too radical and I decided to try other methods.

Anyway I went and looked over his web site and decided it is worth a shot.

So here we go!

As I reflected on it I thought I would make it a sponsored event as I have many kind and generous friends and I could help donate money to the organisation who sponsored the initial research, Diabetes UK.

To sponsor me - 