Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day One

56 days to go!

I woke up and as usual I had a lot of trouble reading my iPad screen, even when magnified to its largest!  This inability to read is my main incentive. There are many others...this isn't a nice disease.

Blood sugar is 126 (7).

It's day one and I feel some excitement and some fear. Or is it the same thing? Can I manage 8 weeks on an extreme diet, loosing up to 25 kg, and to end up looking like a skeleton?

The Numbers

I weigh myself. 84.5 kg. 
At 84.5kg my BMI is 27.59. 
As reported in the trusty Daily Mail patients need to loose 1/6 of their initial weight - so my target is 14kg loss giving final weight of approximately 70kg (11 stone 3 lbs) and a BMI of 22.9

I had two of the chocolate "milkshakes" - not bad at all.

Dont forget if you want to help the millions of diabetes sufferers in the UK, Europe and worldwide you can sponsor me here:

So far I have 80 GBP in sponsors! Thank you my friends.

Anyone wishing to find out more about this approach to reversing diabetes can use the following link.


30 minutes scootering in the morning30 minutes scootering in the evening

3 * 850mg Metformin
2 x ? glycoside. 

3 shakes : 300 kcals
Home made gaspacho -200 kcalls
Roasted veg: 150kcals
seeds/nuts: 100 kcals

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