Friday, August 9, 2013

Day 4

Day 4 (53 days to go)

Blood Sugar : 103 (5.7)  NORMAL non diabetic level
Blood sugar reduction: 23
Weight: 82.7 kg  
Weight loss: 1.8 kg

Yesterday was a little harder. I had some moments of hunger! I continued on the lower dose of glycoside. Blood sugar level is lower again this morning. It may just be a natural fluctuation so I am not overly expectant. However is has been dropping each day even with reduced meds. 

According to the notes for my doctor, Prof Taylor suggests the glycoside can be completely stopped. I will do do today.

One of my main incentives in doing this is to stop the retinopathy I am struggling with. I am hoping my eyes can make a full recovery but there may be complications even if I reverse the disease and remain disease free. 



3 x 425 mg Metformin (50% of day 1 dose)
0 x  glycoside. 

Calorific Intake (target 800 kcal)

2 carrots 50
40g almonds 230kcal
Bowl of raw mushroom soup 110
bowl of cabbage and fish soup 75
gaspacho 50
salad 75
chicken 175
total 765

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