Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 2 (55 days to go)
Blood Sugar : 117 (6.5)

Day two is here and I didn't feel hungry at all yesterday! I mean 800 kcal is a tiny amount of food! I had thought I would be starving all day! So that is good news. I also didn't feel weak and in fa more energetic than usual. I had no coffee all day and didnt feel sleepy? My blood sugar level stayed below 153.

Blood sugar level before lunch - 105 !! This is very unusal. In a good way! 
Also my eyes feel clearer today. I am optimistic.


30 minutes scootering in the morning


1700mg Metformin
1 x ? glycoside. 

1 shake : 100 Kcal
300c gaspacho: 60kcal
Fish stick soup: 150kcal. 
20g almonds: 100
1 small carrot: 20
Gaspacho 120
100g baked chicken 170
roasted veg 70

Total 790

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